blog 1

Blog 1

After semester 1, I had some time to read through ‘An internet of old things. This article was written by Chris Speed (2010), which reveals the relationships between humans, objects, time and the internet. Although this article uses ‘internet’ as an example to express the authors’ opinions, the theme is more about the bonds between people and histories. For instance, Chris mentioned that whatever we do, our actions will be recorded and left a mark in the past.

This article has strong connections with my previous projects. For instance, I did a project that explores the relationships between parallel universe and blockchain. The outcome was that they share similar commons: On the one hand, the idea of a parallel universe is that when a person makes a choice, it generates a new universe that leads to a new direction, and the past or another universe cannot interfere. On the other hand, when an action is done in the blockchain, it generates an unchangeable block and will exist forever. Both things have a similar idea to Chris Speed’s article. The most inspiring part of the reading is that if we go backwards to explore each action or choice, it will lead us to a new ‘block/universe’, and this is how a cobweb is built.


Chris Speed (2010): An internet of old things, Digital Creativity, 21:4, 239-246