Blog 09

Portfolio review

In this week’s tutorial, we walked through our portfolio(website) and received feedback from our tutor and classmates.
In general, my portfolio has good organisation and affordances, but there are changes that I can make to improve the overall quality:
Firstly, I haven’t written anything about myself on the website. When I looked through other classmates’ portfolios, they all have a short paragraph of the introduction and the contacts. This is important in an artist’ portfolio because audiences need to know who’s artwork are they viewing.
Secondly, my general organisation is good, but it starts to get a little bit messy when it comes down to smaller sections. I usually put the entire project into one page, including research, analysis, design, and creations, making the website hard to read.
Thirdly, our tutor, Danny, said that it would be good to read and reflect on something outside the class. It is essential to follow the brief and do the blog posts, but everything we do will be beneficial to ourselves at the end of the day.
For the improvement, I will re-organise my website and make sure everything is categorised, which will help the audiences to find what they need. And then, I am going to write a short introduction about myself and make my contact lists more obvious. At last, I think the first impression is important because it informs the audiences about my work and myself when they access my website. Putting some work up would be helpful to let people know what kind of work I do.