blog 2

Blog 2

This week, an artist had my attention through his creative approach towards music and books.

The artist’s name is Gwydion ap Dafydd, who is the co-founder at Lofelt. What attracted my eyes was that he built a synthesizer in a vintage cookbook which is written by Mary Hahn. As we can see from the image as well as the video, Gwydion installed a MeeBlip synthesizer into the book, which can be both controlled by the panel and an app on iPad.

Although Gwydion hasn’t explained anything particularly about why he chose this book to build the synthesizer, I still found some interesting things about it. Firstly, ‘vintage’ is the theme of this project, because the synth panel is designed in an old fashion way that only has knobs and switches. This idea relates to the cookbook since it’s a book about vintage cooking. Secondly, I found connections between ‘cooking’ and ‘composing’. Both are the processes of creating new things out of existed materials. Finally, a book and a synthesizer are both media that deliver certain messages, even though one is through the literal way and another one is through the sounds. By connecting the synthesizer with the iPad, it allows people to understand vintage through a modern method, just like how people start reading e-books instead of physical books.
